Home Hotels Optimizing Your Booking.com Listing With STAAH MAX Featured

Optimizing Your Booking.com Listing With STAAH MAX Featured

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Discover all features in STAAH MAX for Booking.com users! Leverage these features to optimize bookings and enhance your online visibility.

In case you have missed these features make sure to make a note off

Reopenings and availability

You’re missing out on potential bookings due to lack of availability

Why should you add long-term availability?

  • Get early bird bookers – you’re more likely to get noticed by potential guests planning their trips in advance since they can search up to 16 months ahead on Booking.com.
  • Stay ahead of the competition – not everyone keeps their long-term availability up-to-date, but doing so gives you an edge over the competition.
  • Worldwide marketing – Booking.com promotes you on search engines and online channels for exposure to more potential guests. The more availability you add, the more exposure you get.

Please check and update your availability on Booking.com to make sure you can be seen and booked.

Pricing Foundations: Get more bookings with flexible and non-refundable rates!

Offering multiple rate plans on Booking.com makes them more likely to book. Providing non-refundable and fully flexible rates offers potential guests the most clarity and flexibility.

  • Flexible Rate or Free Cancellation – the most popular rate types among our guests. This rate plan offers guests the option to cancel their booking for free up to 5 days before their check-in date, making it an attractive choice for those seeking flexibility.
  • Non-refundable Rate – designed to secure more bookings and guarantee revenue. Guests who choose this rate plan are not entitled to free cancellations, which encourages commitment to their bookings. This rate plan is often preferred by price-sensitive travellers.

Guests love options so providing multiple options widens your appeal. Act now to set up these rate plans and watch your bookings rise!

First Reservations

Once you have connect with Booking.com on STAAH as one of your online channel.

Here are ways to get your First Reservations

The majority of properties we onboard are quick to receive bookings. For example, more than 40% of newly listed Home properties get their first booking within a week. We analysed onboarding data from properties on our platform, as well as and the actions that impact the time it takes for properties to get their first booking – and continue to get bookings. Here are some best practices we identified:

  • Flexible cancellation policies

Properties that set up a Flexible 1-day cancellation policy during registration were on average 91% more likely to be booked during the first few weeks, compared to properties with strict cancellation policies.

  • Setting up cancellation policies

Properties that implemented a Flexible 5-day cancellation policy during registration were on average 75% more likely to be booked.

To set this up with Connectivity Solutions, properties should set new rate plans that will have a different policy setup before they add cancellation policies on a property-level. They can also set rate-level policies and assign them to a room type.

  • More photos and a higher content score

Properties that uploaded between five and ten photos during registration were on average 25% more likely to be booked within the first few weeks.

Specifically, those with high-definition photos and a wide range of room amenities received bookings faster.Set weekly rates

Once rate plans have been set up, properties that activated a weekly rate in addition to their standard rate were, on average, 16% more likely to get booked in their first week.

Properties that activated pricing per guest upon registration were on average 12% more likely to to get a booking in their first few weeks than properties that didn’t.

To set this up, we support three pricing models (Occupancy-based, Length of Stay or Derived). Properties can then use the Rates and Availability API to implement pricing per guest.

Consistent availability

Properties with continuous availability in the next 90 days on our platform receive three times more bookings on average.

Boost mobile bookings – Mobile Rates

Over half of the bookings on Booking.com are made on mobile. Adding a Mobile Rate has proven to increase bookings from mobile customers by 22% on average.

For steps on how to Add a Mobile Rate via STAAH click here

Boost international bookings – Country Rates

Capitalize on the increase in international travel by offering a Country Rate.

Nearly 70% of early summer searches on our platform are for international stays.

Properties can tap into this increase in demand and secure revenue by offering targeted discounts to international travellers who tend to book earlier and cancel less.

For steps on how to Add Country Rates via STAAH click here

Market Insights

Booking.com has introduced a feature that provides Market Insights into what bookers are searching for in your region. If you are a STAAH MAX customer you can avail this feature via your extranet. Read an in-depth blog on Market Insights here

Content Management

STAAH supports content management directly from STAAH MAX for Booking.com customers. Which means you can edit and update directly from STAAH MAX. Read an in-depth blog on Booking.com Content here

Booking.com STAAH

Thoughtful Thursday: Optimizing Your Booking.com listing with STAAH MAX was last modified: December 14th, 2023 by Nashi Dasgupta

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