Home Aviation This Holiday Season, We Celebrate Airport Workers

This Holiday Season, We Celebrate Airport Workers

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WestJet’s Annual Christmas Miracle Celebrates Airport Workers, This Year We Do Too As We Thank Commercial Aviation Workers

Every year, Westjet releases their annual Christmas Miracle video where they surprise passengers with exquisite gifts they requested or meetups with long lost friends. This year, they decided to celebrate the many airport workers.

It’s a great video. Probably not as touching as years past. It feels a bit like they mailed it in this year, to be honest. Maybe inflation is affecting them too. Still, the video is worth a watch.

That got us thinking…We Should Be Thankful

For those in the transportation industry, there really never is a holiday. People expect that travel is available to any place and at any time. It’s a great service for our society that flying from New York to LA is sometimes easier than a trip to the mall around a holiday. However, that means the people in and near the airport have to work this holiday season. Here’s our special holiday toast to them. (If we left you off the list, send us a message and we’ll be sure to add your role!)

1.) Pilots: Let’s start with the obvious. Pilots safely fly you to your destination. While there are many perks to being a pilot (great pay, days off, travel), getting holidays off often isn’t one of them. When you board the plane, be sure to look to your left and say thanks for their skill and dedication.

2.) Flight Attendants: Much like pilots, they work most often when you want to go on vacation. Flight attendants serve you drinks and snacks but also keep you safe in the skies. They are the front line customer service in the skies. They deal with so much and experience the best and the worst of the flying public for hours at a time. They deserve a hearty thanks for their unyielding professionalism while being away from who they love this holiday season.

3.) Customer Service Agents: Imagine being away from your family and friends this holiday season knowing that your job is to be the front line of defense when something goes wrong. Their entire job is to help people to get to where they need to go. Sometimes it’s easy, other times, they are standing in the gap for bad weather, or a crew or maintenance issue. Be nice and thank them this holiday season as you check in or ask a question at the gate.

4.) Baggage Handlers and below the wing staff: Although you rarely interact with them, they are the ones who prepare each flight for pushback. From the time the plane arrives, they are pulling up the baggage loaders and hopping in the cargo bays to offload and load your bags. It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 degrees or 105 degrees outside, they show up. Each load is carefully balanced to keep you safe in the air. Then they expertly connect the tow bar and prepare your jet for pushback. While it might be difficult to say thanks, a wave out the window will suffice to let them know you are grateful.

5.) Aircraft Fuelers: Much like the baggage handlers, their job is largely transparent to passengers. Yet those mighty fine jets don’t fly without ‘go-juice’. In minutes, they fill the jet to precise levels, ensuring you arrive safely with enough fuel but not too much.

Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dcmetroblogger/7830394298 (CC 2.0)

6.) TSA: Sure they catch a lot of flack when people bring 3.5 oz of fluid through the security checkpoint. They are just enforcing the policies from above. TSA is perennially understaffed and quite honestly, under-appreciated. Sure there is a rare grump on a power trip but the vast, vast majority of agents are people who work under challenging conditions to keep us safe on our journeys. Take a moment to appreciate them and say thanks for being there this holiday season.

7.) Maintenance Professionals: Aircraft are complex mechanical machines. Day in and day out, they keep us safe by keeping the fluids topped off and stepping in to fix any part in the aircraft that breaks. You rarely see them, but they are one of the main reasons behind each and every passenger arriving safely to grandmas.

8.) Airport and Airplane Custodians: Humans make a mess. When you go to an airport bathroom or throw out trash in the terminal or grind a pretzel into the airplane’s carpet, someone is cleaning up after you and making it sparkle. You barely notice them most of the time, but you definitely notice if they aren’t around. This Christmas, take a moment to say thanks to the men and women who do the dirty work to make your holiday shine.

Image: FAA

9.) Air Traffic Controllers: They work 24/7 to keep your plane going where they need to go. They are understaffed and overworked. You might not see them as they chatter on the radio. But without them, you’re grounded.

Still more to keep us flying…

10.) Police Officers and security: When passengers create a disruption, they are there. When bad guys try to disrupt the greatest mode of transportation even devised, they are there. Police officers sign a blank check up to and including their life to keep us safe. Give thanks this holiday season for their dedication and being there for you.

11.) Airport retail and restaurant workers: When you are hungry on Christmas or need a $5 water bottle, they are there for you. They get up earlier than you and stay long after you depart to keep passengers well fed. Give thanks and a little extra tip this Christmas for them.

Airport shuttle at London Heathrow. Image: Matt Taylor (CC 2.0)

12.) Parking, Hotel Shuttle, Taxi, and Uber Drivers: These hard workers drive you to and from the airport. You probably don’t interact much with them but they are there, keeping you safe on the journey.

13.) Aircraft provisioning and kitchen workers: These men and women ensure that your flight is stocked with drinks, snacks, and lobster for the rich folks. They take time away from their families so your belly is full for the journey.

14.) Airport Staff and Managers: It takes people to operate an airport. The city airport managers and staff ensure the operation keeps running. They are the busiest during high travel season. The lost and found doesn’t run without staff. The runways don’t stay plowed during a snowstorm without their efforts. Recognize their hard work and say thank you too!

15.) Skycaps: Are you running late? They sit out in the cold in front of the terminal so that you can speed through checkin. They run on tips but the money doesn’t make up for the fact that they too are missing Christmas so that you can get to yours!

Did we miss anyone? Let us know in the comments and we’ll be sure to add them! Merry Christmas to all from your staff at Avgeekery.

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